Wednesday, May 23

McNair Scholars are Awesome!

McNair in Mt. Pleasant's ~~ Festival of Banners ~~
Located in front of the Court House on Main Street

Monday, May 21

Creed Reference

I think it is important for everyone to be open to new experiences. For the 2012 cohort, the SRI has just bloomed. Although I cannot speak for everyone, I would say that a lot of us went out of our comfort zones in just one week. Here is a list of one or more things we participated in:
*Getting up at 8:00am (or earlier) on Monday morning
*Personality testing
*Diversity training
*Taking the stairs instead of the elevator
*Eating at Greentree Co-op (That BLT with feta cheese was scrumptious!)
*Rock climbing
*High Ropes course
*5k training
*Research pilot test
*Learning how to eat frogs and identify big rocks

Now, look at that list again. I probably forgot a few things. Be proud for all that we have experienced in ONE week. Next, look at the list below. Consider what else we could enjoy together:
*Planting more seeds in the garden
*Hitting the gym 
*Biggest Loser competition

So embrace it. With arms wide open.
Afterall, we are McNair.